Some years ago I heard a Muslim man in a question and answer time with Ravi Zacharias say Jesus never claimed to be the Son of God.
That is not true. A case in point is found in Matthew 16. When Simon Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Jesus did not just say Peter was right, He said flesh and blood had not shown Peter this. Our Lord’s Father in Heaven revealed it to Peter. Jesus had first asked His disciples who people were saying he was. He then asked who they thought He was. Jesus consistently wanted others to recognize Him.
In Luke 23:3 Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And He answered, “You have said so.” I assume Jesus was referring to something Pilate had said privately to his wife or other confidants. But this is a pattern that applies to us. Whether you serve or reject Him, the day will come when you will confess that He is Lord. Paul wrote in Philippians 2:10,11 that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Here are some important principles that can be drawn from this fact.
Jesus wants everyone to consider who He is.
Have you thought about this question? Have you honestly and openly looked at the New Testament claims about Jesus? Have you considered His character revealed in scripture? Are you aware of the prophecies made about Him from the Old Testament? Have you considered His love and promises to those who come to know Him? Are you aware of the price He paid to forgive your sins?
Jesus wants us to recognize Him.
Your eternal destiny depends on your recognizing Him, surrendering your heart and will to Him, coming to know Him yourself.
Jesus wants us to tell others who He is.
God draws people to Himself, but He usually draws them by His truth from the lips of His followers. He told His followers that we are His witnesses.
So who are you saying that He is?
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