Tuesday, April 26, 2016


How do we look at radical Muslims? Shortly after 9/11 a child in our church said, "We need to pray for the terrorists!"
Without thinking, I answered, "Pray that they will be caught and killed." Because of that 4 or 5 year-old boy, I had to examine my heart and my thinking in this matter. I have come to some thoughts that I would like to share with you.
Is it wrong to pray for judgment to come on our enemies? God is a God of judgment. He could not be good, holy or even loving, if He did not judge the wickedness of men.
Many skeptics point at the command of God for the people to destroy the city of Jericho killing men, women, children and livestock, saying the Bible endorses genocide. However, this incident did not take place in a vacuum. First, God had told Abraham in Genesis 15 that He was going to bring judgment on the Amorites. But he said they had not filled up their iniquity. Who knows how long God had already shown His patience toward this wicked people, calling them again and again to repent. And yet, another four hundred years passed before the Children of Israel came through the wilderness to encircle the city of Jericho. Many have argued that the Atomic Bomb that killed all living creatures in the Japanese cities, ended World War II preventing many more deaths for many years. So the destruction of Jericho caused many of the Amorites to flee rather than being killed in the ensuing war.
But you may ask why the Lord employed Israel in this judgment. I certainly don't know all of God’s reasons. I do know the people of Israel knew not to do such a thing without God's direct command. This is a crucial point that I want get back to.
Interestingly enough, this is not the only time God put His judgment into the hands of men. King Saul wickedly brought the judgment that had been foretold upon the house of Eli. God used the ungodly Assyrians to carry His people into captivity for rejecting Him. And most strikingly, God used the imperfect judgment of a Roman tribunal to sentence and crucify Jesus. That judgment of God was upon my sins and yours. God took my sin upon Himself as Jesus died for us. Nothing shows the measure of God's love for us as powerfully as Jesus taking our judgment on Himself at the cross.
I have prayed for God to bring judgment on wickedness in our world. But the Bible, Old and New Testament, clearly teaches that God prefers repentance and forgiveness to judgment and destruction. One of the most apropos stories of this is the book of Jonah. Jonah was sent to preach to Nineveh. Nineveh was the enemy of Israel. Jonah tried to flee from God's call. But he only proved you can't run from God. When he finally went to preach to the city he made no reference to repentance as he proclaimed judgment would come in forty days. However, the people did repent in sackcloth and ashes. The point of that book is God's compassion for people and our New Testament mission to love even our enemies with the gospel. The final day of judgment is coming. But until God tells us it is time to pray for judgment temporary or ultimate, we need to pray for it not to be too late for His grace even for our enemies.
I am praying and rejoicing to see Muslim people turning to Christ by the thousands all across the Middle East, Central Asia and elsewhere. Some of them had indeed been radical Muslims. I pray for their sin and threat against us to be condemned and come under the terrible wrath of God as Jesus died in their place and mine.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Where are you going? You are going somewhere. In recent Thinking in The Spirit blog entries I wrote on repentance. And I keyed off of Psalm 139:23-24. It reads,
"Search me O God and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
In the previous entries I focused on the dependence and devotion of your heart. But notice the wording of this passage. David does not ask God to search his heart for wicked thoughts, although that has to be included. He does not ask the Lord to search his life for any wicked deed. He says, "See if there is any grievous way in me." This is the primary emphasis of repentance. A line in my poem Continuing In My Word[1] reads,
"Then you will come to know and understand all that you longed for but you couldn't be."
We who belong to Christ are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Repentance needs to be seen as our participation in that process. Suppose my temper gets out of control and I curse or harm someone. The devil accuses me. "Look what a terrible person You are." We sometimes think of those thoughts as repentance. They are not. God wants me to see where I am headed. I need God to help me change something in my heart so I will respond better the next time I am tested. Have you ever realized that you missed an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus. The devil will tell you that you have blown it and God will never trust you again. That is a lie. God is telling you to be ready for the next opportunity just around the corner.
Psalm 139 concludes with the words, "Lead me in the way everlasting." God longs to get us off our dead end roads and get us moving in His eternal direction.

[1] I AM, Poetic Reflections Through the Gospel of John, http://goo.gl/p3PAhb

Monday, April 11, 2016


1 Timothy 2:1,2 reads,
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”
Are you submitted to this injunction? Have you been praying for your president?  Are you praying daily for your governor, your senator and congressmen?
This command includes those you do not agree with. It even includes those you believe are destroying our country. Paul was not only calling for prayer for pagan local potentates. He wanted the churches to pray for Tiberius Caesar!
Praying my politics also includes praying my ignorance. When we come to politics, we often assume knowledge that is beyond our purview. I am not saying we should vote anything but our convictions. But when we come to prayer we need to recognize that we do not understand all that God may be doing. He is capable of using the foolish to bring about His wisdom and the wicked to accomplish His purposes.

This may mean no more than admitting to God that I trust His sovereignty to allow, or even bring about, things I do not understand. It surely means asking God to show me what to pray for, and being open for Him to change my mind. 

Monday, April 4, 2016


Most of you are aware by now that I have begun writing two blogs, one every other week. Next week I will continue an entry begun last week on Praying Your Politics. http://watchinginprayer.blogspot.com/
This entry continues last week's post on examining yourself for the Relief of Repentance.
Look again at the powerful prayer of David In Psalm 139.
"Search me O God and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
Searching you heart must key on Searching the Devotion of Your Heart.
I made a serious commitment to Christ the summer before my freshman year in high school. I went back to school a different boy. Sometime in that year a boy confided in me, cautious lest his friends
overhear. "I started going to church once. I was real serious about it. I went every Sunday and even on Wednesday nights. But after a while I just said, 'What's the use?"
I did not know what to say to him. And I'm not certain what he was saying. But most of us are aware of people who say something like, "I used to be a Christian. I was really devoted to God, but it didn't get me anything." Maybe they said something like, "I was devoted to God, but when I really needed something, He didn't come through."
Some of you may have thought something like that. But examine those statements with me. Was that person devoted to God or devoted to what they thought serving God would get them?
We need God's help to examine the devotion of our hearts. Do I love You, God? Or do I love myself. Do I love You, or do I love what I want you to give me?
There are a number of great things about God's searching in us. First, I can never see my devotions as clearly as God. I tend to see the specs in my brothers' eyes but I'm blind to logs in my own.
It is also good to go to God to ferret out my devotion because God loves and forgives me. Satan accused Job of loving God's protection and provision rather than God Himself. But even though it was partly true, God did not believe it. God always sees Jesus in me.
God also comes to us with the power to change our devotion. He speaks to us and draws our hearts to Him. O God, inspire the devotion of my heart. When I enter into worship alone or in church, when I take time to thank God for what He does for me, when I ponder my position in Christ, God’s Spirit draws me to love Him more and more.
“The longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows.”