Sunday, November 11, 2018


In some places there is a fairly great division in the church over Calvinism. Many are staunch Calvinists and many others are fierce anti-Calvinists.

I feel that this and similar issues should not be approached from the point of view of an overall theology. Although to be honest, I think it is suspect to take any theological system whole cloth. Rather, we should seek to come to understanding of scriptures that lead to certain positions.

Possibly the thornyest issue is the question of limited atonement. How do you reconcile John 3:16 and John 6:44?

John 3:16 tells us God loves the entire world, and gives life to all who believe in Him.

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

But in John 6:44 Jesus said,
“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.”

Can you honestly say God loves people He is not calling to salvation? I think you can, but you cannot say this is simple.

Some years ago there was a fire on the hill that stretches above the houses on our street. They managed to get the fire out without losing any houses, but it was close. After the fire, the Fire Chief held a town meeting to answer people's questions about how they had addressed the fire. One of the homeowners was angry. He demanded to know why the fire fighters had not sprayed water on his house but they had his neighbor's.

The Fire Chief said, “We didn't see any point in hosing down houses that have cedar roofs or Juniper trees because we couldn't have saved them anyway if the fire hit them.” I am pretty sure that was simple reality rather than some biased intention on the part of the fire department. And we have to assume that God knows who would respond if they were called. There may also be other reasons why He does not call some that we don't and probably couldn't understand. We have to trust that to Him.

I am convinced that praying for people may remove some of the barriers to a person's being drawn to Christ. Of course, some will argue that God's choosing took place before the foundation of the world. There is some legitimacy to this. Ephesians 1:4 says, “He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world.”

But I believe it is wrong to press God and eternity into the sequence of time. Before the
foundation of the world God had already heard my prayer for a person whose heart is hard. And because God loves that person, I am convinced my prayers for people who need Jesus are obedient to Him.



Monday, November 5, 2018


God's peace is a powerful thing in the life of a Believer. It can affect the lives of everyone around you. When He first sent the 12 disciples out to preach the gospel Jesus taught this amazing truth. In Matthew 10:13 we read,

“And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it, but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.”

So, let me ask you, How do you allow your peace to rest on another person or home? This is important for us to understand, especially in these days when our world is so divided and disturbed. Let me point out three ways in which we allow our peace to rest on other people. But before I can do this we need to understand two things. First, we need to know that God's peace only flows out of a vital relationship with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ. His peace balances and stabilizes everything in our lives. And we also need to understand what makes others worthy of our peace. The next verse explains.

“And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town.”

We can know people are worthy of God's peace when we realize that they are receptive to what we have to say about Jesus. This may be a matter of timing. Had Ananias, who went to Paul after he saw Jesus on the Damascus road, gone one day earlier, he would not have found him receptive. This usually requires some conversation. You may need to tell someone something about the gospel to understand how responsive they might be. And you will need some spiritual discernment which comes through prayer.

When you realize someone is at least open to hear the things of God, you can open yourself up to communion with them. One of the most effective tools of evangelism is our own vulnerability with others. And after people receive Christ our peace with Him is shared with them. You may be familiar with Philippians 4:7 where Paul spoke of peace that comes from prayer.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Note that this peace is plural. It does not simply guard your heart. It stands guard over “our hearts and minds.”

Next we share God's peace as we teach the foundations of His truth. We can share God's love and grace by assuring people of the implications of the gospel. We can say things to them like, “God will hold you tightly in His hands.” or “Nothing will ever separate you from God's love.”

Finally, the peace that transcends understanding is supernatural. We touch hearts with God's peace when we pray with them and for them. People often become receptive when we pray for them. People who are not yet Believers are often moved when someone prays for them in their hearing. And of course, we help new Believers grow in the assurance of God's peace as we pray together.

